Ron Piet 10-Year Review: Parrot Panamanian Rum Has Never Tasted So Good

The link between pirates and rum has been immortalised in popular culture, yet few stories tell of the connection between a pirate parrot and a bottle of grog. This is the kind of tale that’s told through Ron Piet 10-Year, an easy-sipping Panamanian rum bottled by the Knut Hansen gin distillery in Hamburg, Germany. 

So, come and learn about the voyage of a brigadier’s bird and the flavours of a rum that is sure to leave its mark on your tastebuds. 

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The Rum Slinger Vs The Rum Ration: A Tasting Comparison Of Three South American Rums

Half the fun of being a rum geek is comparing tasting notes with other rum geeks and finding unique flavours and similarities. With that said, I’ve decided to do a taste comparison against the notes of The Rum Slinger with their box of Latin Grammys, AKA a pack of three distinct sample rums from South America.

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SLY DOG rum.

SLY DOG Spiced Rum Review: Whisky-Like, Wonderful And Damn Easy Drinking

Spiced rum continues to be a rising star in the spirits world, standing out for being sessionable and smooth. Many upcoming rum brands have been eager to put their own mark on the spiced rum category and one of the latest to emerge in the UK is SLY DOG. 

A rum with an interesting backstory and big plans behind the brand, check out the full review of SLY DOG spiced rum.

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Black Shuck Spiced Rum Review: A Highly Sessionable Rum That Taps Into English Folklore

When viewed through the prism of folklore, rum can take on the connotations of local history or feel a part of a wider community. This has proved to be a popular marketing tactic with rum brands who also want to share a culture from another part of the world.

As a folklore nerd, I love coming across spirits that take inspiration from an obscure legend or tall tale and there’s definitely a lot of that mixed into the story of Black Shuck spiced rum.

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Cor Cor Red Rum Review: A Tropical Delight That Showcases The Spirit Of Okinawa

Japan holds a long tradition of producing high-quality drinks, with the people having a knack for putting their own spin on an established technique and perfecting it. This was the case for whisky and it’s happening with rum as well. Japanese rum is gradually becoming its own distinctive category, with the likes of Nine Leaves and Iejima leading the charge. 

Another distillery that’s making waves is the Grace Distillery, personified by the Cor Cor brand. I’d turned it into a mission to get my hands on at least one of the bottles and I was successful with the purchase of Cor Cor Red. Let’s examine what makes this rum stand out.

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Hygge Spiced Rum Review: Comfort In A Glass

The UK rum scene continues to go from strength to strength, with new brands and concepts popping up all over the country. In particular, the spiced rum category is experiencing a lot of growth and a UK brand that offers one of the most pleasant drinking experiences is Hygge Rum.

Let’s dive into The Rum Ration’s review of Hygge Spiced Rum and see how it stacks up.

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Caithness Raiders Rum Review: A Drink That’s Worthy Of Valhalla

In recent years, Scotland has become a popular place for rum producers to set up shop. The likes of J.Gow, Mattuga and SeaWolf are making their mark on the rum industry with unique offerings and another Scottish brand who deserves to be among such storied companies is the Ice and Fire Distillery based in Caithness.

The distillery’s Caithness Raiders rum conjures images of adventure, exploration and hardiness. I was kindly presented with a bottle to sample and given my appreciation for viking culture, I was eager to dive in and try.

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Gold Of Mauritius Dark Rum Review: Easy To Deal With And Not Overbearing

Mauritius is a place that’s on my bucket list to travel to, and like so many nations that I’ve yet to visit, the next best thing to experiencing the culture is through food and drink. In the case of Mauritian culture, it’s through sipping Gold of Mauritius dark rum, a sweet beverage that’s easy on the taste buds and good for imagining sitting on a tropical beach without a care in the world.

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Samai Kampot Pepper Review: A Rum That’s Unique In Every Sense Of The Word

When it comes to rum production, Cambodia might not be the first country that you’d use in the same sentence. But Cambodian rum is very much a thing, and a pretty awesome thing at that. This is thanks to the Samai Distillery.

Based in Phnom Penh, the distillery is producing some of the most unique rum to be found anywhere in the world and one such example is the intriguing Kampot Pepper. Spicy, layered and graceful, this drink is a perfect introduction into the growing world of Cambodian rum. 

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Nine Leaves Angel’s Half French Cask Review: The Ultimate Umami Rum

Discovering drinks from different parts of the world has helped to broaden my horizons and give insight into new cultures, particularly when it comes to Japanese drinks like sake and shochu.

This appreciation for Japan’s indigenous tipple has made me curious about the Land of the Rising’s Sun’s treatment of Western spirits and there’s been plenty of praise given to Japanese whisky. A category that’s gaining in momentum is Japanese rum and I was excited to get my hands on a sample from Nine Leaves, arguably the most well-known Japanese rum brand.

The Nine Leaves Angel’s Half French Oak Cask is a force to be reckoned with. Here’s why.

Continue reading “Nine Leaves Angel’s Half French Cask Review: The Ultimate Umami Rum”