A Pirate’s Life: Edward England

A Pirate’s Life delves into the rum drinking habits of infamous pirates and the kind of bottles they’d stash away if they were alive today. This edition focuses on the Irishman Edward England, a pirate who was considered to be one of the more humane of his kind during The Golden Age of Piracy

Read on to find out about what kind of rum England would keep in his rum cabinet. 

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A Pirate’s Life: Howell Davis

Throughout the history of piracy, there’s been a cavalcade of colourful characters roaming the high seas and etching their names into legend. One such pirate was Howell Davis, who stood out for his ability to charm his targets and be a master of disguise.

With links to fellow pirates such as Edward England and Bartholmew ‘Black Bart’ Roberts, Davis kept illustrious company and his taste in rum would’ve been no different.

Let’s take a look at the rum brands Davis would enjoy if he were alive today.

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A Pirate’s Life: Grace O’Malley

A Pirate’s Life tells the stories of history’s most infamous buccaneers and imagines the kind of rum they’d stash if they were alive today. Over the years, Ireland has had its fair share of pirates and Grace O’Malley is remembered as one of the fiercest of them all.

Famous for her defiance of English rule and dedication to her homeland, O’Malley was a scourge of the Atlantic and truly a pirate queen. Let’s examine her rum collection to see what she’d be drinking while she was plundering.

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A Pirate’s Life: Henri Caesar

Pirates and rum go hand in hand, thanks to the efforts of authors like Robert Louis Stevenson, who popularised the idea of scallywags downing copious amounts of rum. It’s from this rich tradition that A Pirate’s Life was born. The series chronicles the drinking habits of history’s most infamous brigands. 

The Haitian pirate Henri Caesar earned a reputation for himself during the Haitian Revolution, when he teamed up with Dutty Boukman and Toussaint Louverture to change the course of history. The rum in Caesar’s collection would tell the story of Haiti and his travels across the sea.

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A Pirate’s Life: Mary Read

A Pirate’s Life examines the drinking habits of history’s most infamous pirates and imagines what kind of rum they’d enjoy if they were alive in the present day. Some people choose the pirate life, while others have it thrust upon them and for Mary Read it was all about necessity. 

Known for her affiliation with Calico Jack Rackham and Anne Bonny, Read was press ganged into Rackham’s crew after her ship was captured. She made the most of the situation and fully embraced her new life, becoming one of the most famous pirates of all-time.

Let’s take a look at the bottles that Read would have in her collection.

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A Pirate’s Life: Awilda

A Pirate’s Life puts the spotlight on the rum collections of some of history’s most famous buccaneers, which includes Henry EverySamuel Bellamy and more. Fame and fortune are common reasons for becoming a pirate, but for some it offered an escape and this was the motivation of the Scandinavian pirate Awilda.

Born in the 5thcentury to a Scandinavian king, Synardus, Awilda was arranged to be married to Alf, the prince of Denmark. Refusing to have her life be dictated for her, Awilda fled from the kingdom, eventually becoming a pirate captain.

Having sailed across the Nordic region and beyond, Awilda’s rum cabinet would feature drinks that reflected her heritage and the techniques of her homeland. 

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A Pirate’s Life: Henry Every

A Pirate’s Life examines the rum collections of infamous pirates, reimagining what they would drink in the modern day. A name that has lived on from the Golden Age of Piracy is Henry Every, one of the few brigands in history to escape with his riches and disappear into the annals of time.

Although Every’s pirate career only lasted two years, his story has become legend and it’s likely that he enjoyed a good deal of rum during his travels across the world. So, what kind of grog would he have in his collection?

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A Pirate’s Life: Samuel ‘Black Sam’ Bellamy

A Pirate’s Life focuses on history’s most memorable buccaneers and imagines the types of rum they’d have in their collection. Getting rich was the ultimate goal of many pirates and although some may have had much longer careers, there was perhaps no one as rich as Samuel ‘Black Sam’ Bellamy.

Called The Prince of Pirates for his dashing appearance and merciful attitude, Bellamy’s pirate career lasted only a year, but he plundered what would be considered $120 million worth of booty in that time. So, it should come as no surprise that he’d have a pretty impressive rum cabinet!

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A Pirate’s Life: Ching Shih

A Pirate’s Life focuses on the drinking habits of history’s most influential brigands, imagining the kind of rum they would drink in modern times. Ching Shih is widely considered the most successful pirate of all-time, having commanded a fleet of over 1500 ships and being so badass that she forced the Chinese government into giving her a pardon.

If Shih were alive today, she’d no doubt have acquired an impressive collection of rum plundered from all over Asia.

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A Pirate’s Life: Anne Bonny

A Pirate’s Life examines the drinking habits of history’s most infamous buccaneers and reimages what kind of rum they’d enjoy in the modern day. Anne Bonny is one of the most well-known lady pirates, having been featured in multiple works of fiction and been the source of much historical debate.

If she were alive today, Bonny would no doubt have a damn impressive rum collection, so let’s look at what kind of grog she’d stash.

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